Astrology provides a rich, mythic language of meaning to help us humans understand our lives and help us make informed choices

Please send me an email to schedule or ask a question - SOILANDSTARSART @ GMAIL.COM


With a Birth Chart REading (Natal Reading), Get support through life’s transitions, ruts, and uplevels, such as:

  • Knowing you need to make a career change but needing more clarity on how/what.

  • Marriage/relationship challenges and patterns

  • Existential crises - you know you need to reconfigure your place and role in the world and integrate new understandings, and are in the thick of it

Your chart itself and current conditions (transits and other timing techniques like annual profections and solar returns) can tell us a lot about what energetics you are encountering and being invited into deeper relationship with. It’s my belief that no one is ever getting punished by the Universe and there is nothing “bad” in your chart - basically, that challenges are opportunities. From that perspective, your chart becomes a map and a tool kit for navigating the wilderness of your life, that we can explore together.

Ask a horary question to Get clarity around a specific situation that is coming up for you in a big way, such as:

  • Buying a car, home or business

  • Missing objects or missing pets

  • Questions about relocating

  • If a job or opportunity is a right fit

Horary astrology is the branch of astrology that deals with answering specific questions that usually can’t be answered with the natal chart. Questions like, “Would it be good for me to move in with so-and-so?”, “Is it in my best interest to take this job?” or even questions like, “Where is my missing emerald ring and will I be able to find it again?” (Or, missing dog, etc.) Seriously, it can be that specific and physical! They can be about buying property, or will you get pregnant this year. You can use horary to understand the nature of whatever situation you are in and to help you make informed decisions regarding that situation.

Get ongoing guidance and clarity to help you navigate life

Go from stuckness and confusion to clear vision and self-understanding. Once I know your chart fairly well, I can easily look at your transits, solar return chart and progressions, and be able to extract what is most meaningful and useful for your life, as it’s unfolding. Your chart never changes, but the sky changes constantly so the way you experience your chart is always in flux and evolving. This makes working together over time increasingly meaningful and helpful to you. I have two different packages available to suit your needs.

If you are looking for a great gift for an astrology lover in your life, there is nothing more special than a 1:1 reading.